Every director holding a valid Director Identification Number (DIN) has to mandatorily complete KYC on or before 30th September every year. If the director has done KYC for last financial year & there is no change in current year, then he has to validate the existing KYC. If there is a change in KYC details, then he has to file Form DIR-3 KYC with applicable documents certified by a professional.
There is no government fees for filing Form DIR-3 KYC, if it is filed within the due. However, if it is not filed within the due date, the DIN status at MCA will be changed to ‘Deactivated due to non-filing of DIR-3 KYC’. For activating the DIN by filing form DIR-3 KYC, a fee of Rs 5000/- shall be payable.
Following is the list of required documents to file DIR-3 KYC:
1) Proof of permanent address- Copy of Electricity Bill, Aadhaar Card
2) Copy of Aadhar card & Passport are mandatory if it is assigned
3) Proof of present address (if it is different from permanent address)- Copy Electricity Bill, Rent Agreement
4) Optional Attachment if any- Copy of Pan card, Voter’s ID Card
5) Applicant’s Digital Signature